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The Parenting Podcast
Episode 18|| Parenting Season #4-
Older Teen/Young Adult (Pt. 4)
The Parenting Podcast Team February 2, 2022
We often refer to the 4th season of parenting as The Graduate Years. But we aren’t talking about our kids doing the graduating! It’s US the Moms! We have graduated from the Active Parenting Years. And instead of it always being a big Grad Party, this season has some special challenges of its own. Join us as we share from our own experiences and reality because all four of us are somewhere in this stage ourselves. TPP wants to walk alongside of you, mom, encouraging and equipping you as you walk towards and through this last phase of parenting.
Each Thursday we release a new TPP episode. They're about 25 minutes
and can easily fit into your day!
TPP - Bringing you Hope – Helping you Flourish

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