Previous Episodes
Parenting IS hard - oh, but there's hope! Moms, this is why The Parenting Podcast is here for you. Wherever you are in your parenting journey, we at TPP want to come alongside addressing your questions and concerns with helpful insight to lighten your load. Our goal is to encourage you by providing real-life, relevant information to equip you. TPP wants to help you and your family flourish together and as individuals. Join us as we share, answering your questions and bringing your heart hope.
Episodes List
As a parent do you ever struggle knowing what to do when your child is full of emotions and you aren't sure whether just kind of to cover it up or to dive into that broiling pool with them? Well listen in because today we are going to share great simple tools for handling and growing through emotions for your whole family. The strategy of Name it to Tame it
Jul 20, 2023
Do you ever struggle when your child is feeling a lot of emotion and yet, as a parent, you just aren’t sure what to do? The TPP recording team discusses this issue today in our series on the bestselling book, The Whole Brain Child. A very helpful and simple technique for handling ALL of our emotions – Connect and Redirect.
Jul 13, 2023
Jul 5, 2023
Today's episode begins a series of discussions on the Whole Brain Child - the best-selling book on developing emotional health and nurturing your children's minds. Regardless of what ages your children are, this book is an indispensable tool for your parenting. Be sure to listen in.
A listener asked, “How do we parent a strong personality child without breaking their spirit by constantly correcting?” That dominant personality has such incredible strengths that can be tapped into and invested but they can also make our parenting more challenging. Listen in because the team shares some very practical and insightful suggestions that I personally found effective and helpful.
Jun 29, 2023
Whether you have already released or are heading towards releasing your children, you are going to want to listen to this conversation. Although the launching years typically may be the least talked about in parenting, the TPP Recording Team intentionally addresses it because it is incredibly important since it actually never ends. On this segment, we focus on how to prepare yourself for this complex crucial season.
Jun 22, 2023
Just because they are old enough to vote, you don’t quit being a parent! On this episode the Team addresses an often-overlooked season of parenting – the Launching and releasing of our grown children. Be sure to listen as we talk about how to prepare both our children and us for this incredibly important investment in both our futures
Jun 15 2023
Nagging may be on every parent’s list of Least Favorite Things about Parenting! So what do we do about it and not shut down relationships? Listen in as the Team tackles this thorny subject which a number of listeners have asked about. Does my no mean no or should they just keep bugging me?
Jun 8, 2023
Although it appears to be just a simple fix, the telling of lies; the telling of truth and our family culture of honesty and integrity are very important parts of our parenting. In response to a listener’s question the recording team explorers the complications and motivations behind why our children might lie and ways to approach the issue.
Jun 1, 2023
On today’s episode we continue the conversation about this last season of active parenting. Be sure to listen as the Team shares about 3 E’s of this season and how they build opportunities for growth and a relationship with that very special person who's getting ready to step into adulthood.
May 25, 2023
If you've ever had the opportunity to be the instructor helping a new driver learn how to drive it can be fun, maybe a little hair raising and character revealing. Not unlike Parenting during the teen years.. I'm joined in the studio by Ellen and Christie and we explore what your family's road trip might look like during this unique season.
May 18, 2023
This part of our Family Road Trip often seems a little like the Flyover States – a little simpler and maybe more easily navigated. On this episode the Team talks about how to use this time to “connect the dots” and invest in various ways with your middle ages.
May 11, 2023
Sibling issues are one of TPP’s listeners most frequent questions. How do we stop it? Is this normal? Listen in as the Team actually discusses how this struggle can be a growing tool for your family.
May 4, 2023
In part 2, the team continues the discussion of what the beginning season of our Family Road Trip might look like. Oh listen in and learn about a very helpful tool for all stages of parenthood -ZPD.
April 27, 2023
So what does the beginning season of our Family Road Trip look like? The Team discusses the reality of the great and the not so great of this special launching that all families must travel. Listen in for a dose of reality and encouragement for this period of initiation into parenting.
April 21, 2023
The Team continues our beginning conversation as we start a series on Your Family Road Trip through all the seasons of parenting. We explore more about a Destination vs Journey mindset and we each share aspects of what was particularly hard for us personally on our own Road Trips. Listen in as we lay down groundwork for all the ages of parenting.
April 6, 2023
Today we are starting a more in depth series of creating and applying the idea of the Family Road Trip of vision and practice to all the seasons of parenting. The team lays some beginning groundwork and discusses why you might take the time to map out that Trip for your family. But we get practical in some of the how-tos of real daily life as well. Glad you could join us - no matter where you are in your parenting journey.
Mar 30, 2023
On the last episode, Dr. Kelly Stevens introduced an intriguing concept that our kids are missing out when we avoid using the Gift of Failure in their lives. Today we plow further into this often-overlooked aspect of parenting and discuss the benefits and then get specific in how it might be applied in real life. Be sure to listen in!.
Mar 23, 2023
Dr. Kelly Stevens joins us again in the recording studio. This time with the unusual idea of equipping our children with the gift of failure. He talks about a style of parenting where preparing our children for life rather than trying to curate the road in front of them. You're not going to want to miss this interesting but challenging conversation.
Mar 16, 2023
Today's episode is the continuation of a conversation which we started last week, but it was too full of good meat to cut short so we're going to jump right back in today where we left off. Now this isn't just a subject for parents with older children. What we talk about as the recording team is applicable to every stage of our parenting. So join us now and listen in about what to do when it's hard and they're rebelling but you want to love them well.
Mar 9, 2023
In response to some listeners' requests, on this episode, the TPP recording team tackles one of the harder things just to figure out when you're a parent - what to do when they rebel while they're still living at home and underage. Getting a little more practical we explore what it might actually look like as we walk through some of this hard stuff with our children. Listen in on the conversation about those conversations.
Mar 2, 2023
This week we reach back to one of our listeners' favorite episodes - hence "Second Helping." The focus is adolescence, but the principles and practical applications apply to all stages of parenting. It's the tricky balance of being engaged and yet not OVER reacting. Listen in as the TPP Team discusses this important and challenging aspect of parenting.
Feb 23, 2023
In this episode, the TPP Recording Team takes on extroverted parenting with all its energy, fun, and words, lots of words. Yes, they bring a larger battery to the job, but they also have their own particular challenges. Listen in as we explore their world and how "being" may be a great gift to add to their parenting toolbox.
Feb 9, 2023
In direct response to a lot of feedback that we have gotten from our listeners, the Team today explores parenting as an introvert. Now true, sometimes they may not be quite as visible as some of their more extroverted counterparts, but listen in as we talk about the challenges but also the superpowers of introverted parenting.
Feb 2, 2023
Once again Dr. Kelly Stevens comes before the TPP mic. This time he challenges and then equips us with the idea of premeditatio malorum - keeping low expectations for ourselves, our kids, and our parenting. And as usual, it isn't all theory but we get down to some very practical, useful applications for our everyday lives.
Jan 26, 2023
On today's episode the Recording Team discusses introverted children. They may not bring as much noise and energy to our families, but they do bring depth and richness. Listen in as we chat about their strengths and their struggles but also for practical ideas for parenting our wonderful introverts.
Jan 19, 2023
Yes they come with noise. Yes they have lots of words and energy. But our extroverted children bring such life and connection to everything. On this episode the TPP Team discusses how to nurture and develop these balls of energy along with some practical suggestions for directing and appreciating these forces of nature we are blessed with.
Jan 12, 2023
Some families are full of noisy loudness and others are more reflective and calm - what about yours? In this episode, the TPP Team begins a series on the beauty and the challenges that come in our families and lives with introverts and extroverts. Listen in to this conversation as we share experiences and work on defining this impacting aspect of our parenting.
Jan 5, 2023
Although we all would love perfect Hallmark Movie Holidays, all too often our realities just don't match up to those expectations. Join the TPP Team as they share their own struggles with evolving family situations, loss, and grief and listen in on the discussion about how to fight for joy amidst some of the hard.
Dec 22, 2022
The holidays are upon us so join the Recording Team as they talk about the lighter side of the season, discussing traditions and transitions. They also bravely tackle the perennial dilemma - white lights or multicolored - as well as other fun issues. Grab a hot drink and just sit back and listen in.
Dec 15, 2022
The economy is a bit crazy right now and that makes this a perfect time to intentionally begin teaching our children about money and how to control it instead of the other way around. Regardless of your children's ages or your financial situation listen in on the discussion as the Recording Team tackles this important and practical subject which turns out actually in the end to be all about the heart.
Dec 8, 2022
Dr. Kelly Stephens and Cheryl are joined by the TPP Recording Team for this special episode. The Quintet discusses the struggle to become a responsive rather than reactive parent. Dr. Kelly points out the dangers of being a YELP parent and the team shares some ideas for how to reset and move towards becoming the type of parent we want to be.
Dec 1, 2022
The TPP Team Opens up and admits that we all originally thought WE were a gift to our children; yet on this episode, we share how parenting our children is a gift that changed US! Listen in and be encouraged how the mundane, the failures, the imperfections, and the hard things have been amazing tools in our lives and how we are better people because of it all. Oh and how we quit being Perfect-holics!
Oct 13, 2022
We all wish we could just have smooth easy responses in life and in our families but as the TPP Team shares, sometimes it is anger that blocks that dream. Listen in as they discuss their own struggles and move on to explore some root sources of anger, as well as suggestions for dealing with this emotion - in our children and more importantly in ourselves.
Oct 6, 2022
How do I continue to connect and have a relationship with our older teens and grown children? The TPP Team, all experiencing this age themselves, discuss the struggle of a healthy balance in this rather under-discussed stage of parenting. Join the conversation about the shift of focus and roles and how to cultivate conversations with your burgeoning adults.
Sep 28, 2022
Following up on Dr. Stephens' episode, the TPP Team jumps into adolescence. Listen in as they discuss the reality of parenting in this unique season of life – what helped them, what blindsided them, and some suggestions for deciding when you might and might not push the Alarm Button.
Sep 22, 2022
Sometimes the Middle Ages of 4-8 might be a little overlooked, so listen in as the TPP Team addresses this important season of training and relationship. Don't miss hearing them actually role-play how to talk with an emotional child and share some practical tips for this special but fleeting time with your children.
Sep 15, 2022
TPP friend and pediatrician Dr. Stephens joins Cheryl again at the microphone to talk about the often challenging years of adolescence. You aren’t going to want to miss hearing Dr. S as he demystifies this season and brings reality but also encouraging information and experience to equip and encourage all parents but especially those of teens.
Sep 8, 2022
With a lot of transparent honesty, the Recording Team shares some of their individual struggles with lies in their parenting. You may be in a hard season yourself, or battling lies of your own, so listen in to get some insight into fighting for Truth to conquer those Lies, as well as some encouragement to move towards more freedom and hope.
Sep 1, 2022
The Team addresses some of our listeners' questions. First, we're offering some practical ideas for how to handle evenings so that bedtimes are easier and flow better. Then these seasoned parents address a regularly asked question about what we would go back and change if we could. So listen in and maybe get a dose of encouragement for your day.
Aug 24, 2022
​Boredom has gotten a bad rap. In fact, many parents and groups work overtime trying to erase that word from their kids' lives. However, science and the TPP team make a case for why creating a space for boredom in a child's over-structured and entertaining life is not only mentally healthy, it is a power-packed surprising friend that can bring creativity, peace, initiative, and fun to the entire family. Make the space to join in on the conversation.
Aug 18, 2022
One of the biggest heartaches for parents may be when their children turn their back and reject our deeply held values. How do we deal with that? How can we build bridges instead of walls in the relationship? Listen in on this timely and important conversation by the TPP team as they discuss these issues seeking to bring help but also hope in the midst of these challenges.
Aug 11, 2022
Putting feet to what we want to do is often a bit challenging. Join the TPP Team as they hash out some practical applications to Dr. Stevens' “Family Reality” concept. In addition to sharing honestly some of their own families’ struggles, they talk over ideas for how to love others even IF you are walking a different path as a family.
Aug 4, 2022
Cheryl sits down with Dr. Stephens again and this time explores his idea of creating your own Family Reality. No, he doesn’t recommend thinking you are pink elephants! But instead opens up this family-strengthening mindset and even talks about when we should and shouldn’t say “we.” Don’t miss Dr. S and his insights and experienced views on parenting.
Jul 28, 2022
Some dads have asked us – “Why do you just say ‘Moms?’ We are parents too and enjoy TPP.” So starting today The Parenting Podcast will begin to do just that – address ALL those in parenting roles and loving kids - and especially dads. To celebrate, we start with a question from a dad about connecting with his kids as they age.
Jul 21, 2022
Listen in as the TPP Team reads some questions from our inbox. Moms write asking for more application and practical ideas of when to do certain things and the use of Birthday Boxes and consequences. The discussion covers specifics but also the reality of the challenges of parenting and, oh, what makes Ellen want cake!
Jul 14, 2022
​How do you argue well? Conflict is all too easily a part of our relationships even when we love each other. In answer to a mom’s question, the TPP Team steps into the ring and hashes out the difference between a discussion and a fight - How do I keep myself under control? - How do I steer the argument to a good resolution for what is best for my child and myself? It can be complicated but there is hope and help even when we are at odds.
Jul 7, 2022
The TPP Team unwraps thoughts and responses related to Dr. Stephens’ ideas on Birthday Boxes. (Epi 36) So how does this actually fit into real life? Is my child too young? Too old? Is this another to-do that is going to make my life harder? Listen in as the Quartet discusses the benefits they see to Boxes and how it is flexible, helpful for our kids at any age, reduces nagging, and makes our job as parents easier.
Jun 30, 2022
TPP is excited to begin a new feature – interviews with amazing people. In this inaugural episode of Table Guests, pediatrician Dr. Kelly Stephens joins Cheryl in the studio and discusses the idea of Birthday Boxes – not your typical gift but a very helpful tool for parenting our children through the ages and stages of life – Dr. Stephens is great and you are going to enjoy listening and learning from him.
Jun 22, 2022
Even if you don’t have a toddler, listen in to this conversation - the TPP team starts answering a mom’s question on potty-training and the conversation moves from practical advice and stories to peer pressure and encouragement on how to resist it and decide what’s best for your family – at this time, with this child, with these circumstances. Oh, and Cheryl throws in some bee-friendly gardening advice.
Jun 16, 2022
Mom Guilt! It is all too often a shadow creeping around many of us. It robs us of our joy. It can derail our hearts in parenting. But, can it also motivate us to become more of what we want to be and to love our children better? Yes! You will want to hear the TPP Team as they not only talk about the real struggles of Mom Guilt but how to recognize False Guilt and how to use Good Guilt as our friend.
Jun 9, 2022
Pulling back the curtain a little – One of the best parts of making TPP episodes is our conversations and processing with each other as friends as we come together to record. This particular session the mics were live but we were just sharing with each other and talking about stress in our own lives and just life struggles. So listen in on our unplanned conversation.
Jun 2, 2022
Whether it’s the parent, a toddler or an older teen, at times we all struggle with our emotions. The TPP Team unpack some of the struggles of parenting when there are meltdowns and share some of their stories and thoughts for coping with or even preventing outbursts and how to be more emotionally healthy as a family.
May 12, 2022
In response to an article by a writer who was confused and fearful by all the negative she heard before her son was born, the TPP Team discusses the false ideals that discouraged them as moms and then shares what is GOOD and true about this amazing calling and actually learning to enjoy our children.
May 5, 2022
In this episode the TPP Team deals with a practical subject – teens and clean rooms - and some deeper more personal challenges – mental and emotional health for us moms. But whatever the issue, the end of this episode summarizes one of TPP’s main goals for each of you, our listeners – to bring you hope and help, as well encouragement in your parenting and in your life.
Apr 28, 2022
How do I get my kids to listen without raising my VOICE? The Recording Team discusses this issue and how to train our kids - but again it looks like the big training is about us, the moms – we need to train ourselves to respond so we are connected to their hearts not just their ears. Be sure to listen in to this conversation.
Apr 21, 2022
It's so hard when people in our lives are critical of us as parents. It's easy to build walls, get angry, or take it personally. The TPP Team identifies with this struggle themselves and breaks it down to some of the deeper issues underneath our reactions and offers insight into some alternative responses.
Apr 14, 2022
The clock is always ticking and it's hard to manage schedules and time constraints with your very real life and everything that can happen. So, take some time to listen in as the TPP team shares some perspective and also tips for handling that tyrant of time to maybe help bring some peace to your days and to your heart.
Apr 7, 2022
The TPP Team starts by discussing the parenting struggle of interrupting kids then dives in to a deeper conversation on valuing others. Is this healthy self-care or just selfish? The Team talks about their own struggles with being a Martyr Mom or a Parenting Workaholic. Be sure to listen in for some encouragement and maybe some helpful insight.
Mar 31, 2022
Just seems like a part of regular life – tattling on siblings – but are there deeper issues underneath? – even in the mom’s heart? Listen as the TPP Team opens up this subject and shares some of their struggles and some insight on relationships and hearts.
Mar 24, 2022
The TPP team dives back in to discuss developing and maintaining friendships as moms. Keeping it relevant, they talk about the struggles and limitations of time and energy bouncing onto the wall of reality for a mom in that important area of friendship.
Mar 17, 2022
From pre-school to adulthood friends and friendships are important but can also be a challenge. In this episode, the team discusses moms’ questions on cliques and being excluded, what a friend is, and how to help our children learn how to be a good friend.
Mar 10, 2022
Sleep issues with our kids aren’t just about newborns. There can be challenges and bumps throughout our parenting years. The TPP Team chats over concerns such as sleepwalking, bedwetting, and what to do with teens and devices late at night.
Mar 3, 2022
Everybody enjoys a good night's sleep, but that's just not always the reality for a mom. Listen in as the TPP team shares stories and talks about sleep issues - not just with newborns but throughout all the seasons of parenting.
Feb 24, 2022
Our TPP recording team again sits around the mics and discusses some questions that you moms have sent us. How to teach gratefulness? Feeling guilty as a mom. Should kids say I am sorry? These question are just jumping off points for a lot of conversation and ideas. Join us and take a moment to text or dm your question to us. That is why we are here.
Feb 17, 2022
TPP wants to be relevant to your life, mom. In this episode (we hope the first of many) our Recording Team discusses and shares questions you our listeners have sent to us. So many interesting topics – sharing (not just toddlers); siblings warring with each other; and what if you know you aren't doing it perfectly - have you blown it? Join us for the discussion and don’t forget to share your questions with us – we want to know what you want to ask!
Feb 10, 2022
We often refer to the 4th season of parenting as The Graduate Years. But, we aren't talking about our kids doing the graduating! It's US the Moms! We have graduated from the Active Parenting Years. And instead of it always being a big Grad Party, this season has some special challenges of its own. Join us as we share from our own experiences and reality because all four of us are somewhere in this stage ourselves. TPP wants to walk alongside you, mom, encouraging and equipping you as your walk towards and through this last phase of parenting.
Feb 3, 2022
We hope to bring you a dose of encouragement with this episode – whatever your reality or situation is right now. Our team reflects and discusses what it really is like to be a mom in the middle of active parenting, - full of long nights, endless dirty dishes, and just plain weariness. Sit back with a cup of your favorite drink and just drink in our virtual arm around your shoulder as we seek to stir you up to hang in there and keep on loving -even though it’s hard – because Mom, it IS worth it!
Jan 27, 2022
The calendar page has turned all of us to a new year. The Team chats about changes and resolutions and plans for what lies ahead. Moms, we process together these concepts but hope to lay some groundwork to help you find more flourishing and growth as a mom but also as a special person. Listen in as we discuss developing grit and grace for the journey and for ourselves.
Jan 20, 2022
Our conversation continues about the Releasing Years of parenting. We left the mics running last time so we have some Bonus Material added in. The Team discusses the tricky balance of relationships and finances and giving advice – Yes, this is a complex season but it also has potential for richness and opportunity of growing with our kids. Grab a cup of coffee or do that needed task while listening to the chat around the TPP table on loving our releasing/released children.
Dec 23, 2021
Join us as we continue the conversation about the 4th season of parenting, The Graduate Years! But we aren’t talking about our kids doing the graduating! It’s US the Moms! We have graduated from the Active Parenting Years. And instead of it always being a big Grad Party, this season has some special challenges of its own. Join us as we share from our own experiences and reality because all four of us are somewhere in this stage ourselves. TPP wants to walk alongside of you, mom, encouraging and equipping you as you walk towards and through this last phase of parenting.
Dec 16, 2021
We often refer to the 4th season of parenting as The Graduate Years. But we aren’t talking about our kids doing the graduating! It’s US the Moms! We have graduated from the Active Parenting Years. And instead of it always being a big Grad Party, this season has some special challenges of its own. Join us as we share from our own experiences and reality because all four of us are somewhere in this stage ourselves. TPP wants to walk alongside of you, mom, encouraging and equipping you as you walk towards and through this last phase of parenting.
Dec 9, 2021
This conversation about the teen season of parenting jumps right into the middle of the issues of releasing our teens to make more decisions and be responsible when we know they are going to make mistakes. The moms around the table bring reality and insight as they discuss what this looks and feels like as they talk about the difficult balance between wisely allowing consequences while remaining a healthy safety net. You are going to be challenged and encouraged as we dive into the reality of this special season of moving our teens towards adulthood.
Dec 2, 2021
The Podcast Team is back in front of the mics discussing Holidays with a fistful of moms’ questions. Regardless of your situation or plans for this year, join us as the Four share their own struggles and stories of the holiday season, extended family, kids’ attitudes, Pinterest Perfect expectations, and Ellen’s Thanksgiving day with an overflowing house AND overflowing plumbing!
Nov 25, 2021
Happy Holidays from the TPP team! In this first episode of our two-part holiday special, Cheryl and Ellen, along with some friend of TPP, answer your parenting questions about the holidays! Don't miss this special episode and be sure to tune in next week for part 2!
Nov 18, 2021
Do you remember how aggravating dropped calls were in the early years of cell phones? That old problem may help us understand some of the confusing and fluctuating reactions of our teens – it actually has less to do with our parenting than it does with their changing brains! Listen in as moms discuss trying to become more engaged and aware of our teens – in the midst of the messiness, pressured schedules, and our blowing it. Join us as we dive into reality but also into hope and encouragement as we chat about this special season moving our teens towards adulthood.
Nov 11, 2021
Although sometimes it gets some bad publicity, parenting our teens can be an exciting and interesting time but not without its challenges. Listen in as moms talk about what their expectations and reality have been navigating the teen years. What are qualities that help us and what are real life roadblocks? Come and get a dose of reality but also hope and encouragement as we chat about this special season moving our children towards adulthood.
Nov 4, 2021
We’ve got moms of middle-aged kids in the studio on this episode. We share stories of struggles and victories and discuss the day-to-day of this special time period. We focus more on the practical and chat about how to put the ideas and principles of this season into practice: What does training actually look like in my day? What if I am a more internal processor and I run out of words and emotional energy? How do I quit repeating myself? Listen in as these real moms ask their questions and talk about real life in the second season of parenting.
Oct 28, 2021
Many moms feel the second season of parenting might be a little bit of a calm between stormier times. We are calling this your Master Chef season. These are wonderful training years for you to come alongside your “middlers” and equip them with tools and understanding that will lay a foundation for the future. Of course, that means a lot of practice with practical things like increasing responsibility and social skills… but it also is a golden season to build your relationship and their character through what they are learning and how you are walking beside them. We want to encourage you to invest in this special time, so join us.
Oct 21, 2021
In this TPP episode, we are Keeping It Real ( KIR) by having moms in the studio who are in the middle of the amazing (but sometimes a little overwhelming) first season of parenting. Listen in as they honestly discuss their thoughts, questions, and struggles in their real-time daily lives. Rather than being a more TO-DO mom with your young ones, we discuss changing to a TO-BE mom – how to love our little ones better and enjoy them more. Join us to hear the conversation and maybe get some encouragement or ideas for your season and your heart.
Oct 14, 2021
If your parenting season is with these little ones (ages 0-4ish) then you won’t want to miss hearing the conversation about the Big Picture of being their Hiking Guide including some practical suggestions. Instead of discussing which diapering method to use, or to sling or not to sling, or the pro and cons of sleeping arrangements, Cheryl and Ellen step back and talk about a much bigger view about loving your little ones well by being a responsive mom. Be encouraged by the opportunities this special time period offers and maybe pick up some hints along the way.
Oct 7, 2021
Sep 30, 2021
In this Chores KIR (Keeping It Real) episode, we have moms in the studio discussing their thoughts, questions, and struggles with chores in their real-time daily lives. Join us to hear our conversation and maybe get some encouragement or ideas in the midst of all the to-dos.
Sep 23, 2021
In a follow-up to Episode 1 where we discussed the deeper whys and benefits to family chores, Cheryl and Ellen get practical and talk about some of the what’s and how’s. As you hear their own experiences and mistakes, it is apparent that they each had a very different approach to “getting it done.” Maybe you can find help with your style and rhythm as you listen to their stories and catch some ideas and motivation with chores in your home.
Sep 16, 2021
Nobody likes doing chores! However, scientific studies prove that doing chores as children actually is a key factor to successful flourishing in adulthood. In this our initial episode, Cheryl and Ellen discuss the WHY of chores rather than just the what and how. Listen and see why a different heart approach to work might be an impacting force in your children’s and your own lives.
Welcome to The Parenting Podcast, moms. We thought we'd just take some time to introduce ourselves and TPP to you. We’re your hosts - Cheryl Lange and Ellen Etzler. Together we bring decades of experience, perspective and mistakes as we dive into the reality of parenting through interesting interviews and engaging conversation. No matter what your parenting stage or situation, we want to share not only practical ideas and wise insight from experts, but our goal is to have honest discussions that give you heart and strengthen you both today and for the years ahead.
Sep 9, 2021
TPP - Bringing you Hope – Helping you Flourish